
Showing posts from December, 2019

Developing a reliable partnership in Taiwan for indigenous youth exchange

On Saturday, December 28, 2019, Directors Tony Coolidge (with his family) and Gary Smoke of our organization visited Christian Mountain Childrens Home in Liouguei District of Kaohsiung City, Taiwan. It was a huge celebration, which combined their annual anniversary with the grand opening of their new facilities on their campus. The Coolidge family and Gary Smoke attending the December 28 celebration. They were invited by Reverend Joseph Yang, the director of Taiwan's famous orphanage, which has mostly indigenous children from different tribes in Taiwan. Reverend Yang is, himself, descended from an indigenous mother from the Atayal tribe. His mother and father founded the home for children, which is a very touching story, in itself. Aside from enjoying the festivities, the visitors introduced the Tribal Journeys Youth Exchange Program and what participation could be arranged for the Liouguei Indigenous Choir, which is an important part of the orphanage. The choir tra...

New Board Member: Rosa Enn, PhD

Rosa Enn, PhD is an Anthropologist and an independent researcher. She obtained her doctoral degree (PhD) at the University of Vienna and has a BA in Chinese Studies. Her fields of expertise are environmental justice and indigenous peoples with regard to their social, cultural, and legal positions within national and international discourses, human rights, and empowerment. Her recent publications discuss the heritage of colonialism and the impact of a nuclear waste repository on the socio-economic structures of the indigenous Tao community on Taiwan’s Orchid Island. Beside her academic research, Rosa is member of the advisory board of indigenous right organization indigenous bridges, founder of the NGO Matarosa and book review editor for the Island Studies Journal. Her other passion is fashion that she pursues with owning two luxury second hand boutiques in Zurich and Salzburg, Austria.