Our Deputy Director

Our organization is proud to assign Mr. Gary Smoke to the position of Deputy Director. Mr. Smoke has been a longtime volunteer as an administrative and program leader for our organization since 2010. Since then, he has actively supported all of our activities in Taiwan to develop exchanges with indigenous groups.

As a Seattle-area native and resident of Taiwan, he has been the ideal bridge, developing international cultural exchanges as Director of International Affairs since 2013. His commitment and persistence for cultural exchange with the Native Americans of Washington State resulted in the creation of the current Tribal Journeys Indigenous Youth Exchange Program (TJIYEP).

Because of his experience, connections, and big heart for giving back to society, Mr. Smoke, a Vietnam Veteran, has left an indelible mark on the people who he has worked with. He is a longstanding resident of Taipei and long before his involvement with our organization, he had been involved in charitable activities as a member of the Taipei Volunteer Firemen, an established ex-pat organization in Taiwan.

Gary Smoke has done so much for the ATAYAL/Organization on a volunteer basis, that much of the organization's current programs have been shaped or influenced by Gary's contributions in one form or another. As Deputy Director, Gary will continue to offer operational development, decision-making, and support for all of the organization's programs.


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