Roles and Responsibilities of the ATAYAL Organization

This document describes the Roles and Responsibilities of the Members of the ATAYAL Organization. The Members are divided into four Categories:

  • Board Members
  • International Advisory Board Members
  • Staff Members
  • Activities and Special Projects Volunteers

Since 2001, the ATAYAL Organization has always been a 100% volunteer organization, with no salaries paid. We are committed to offering our organization’s members the opportunity to make a difference, while offering flexibility to meet their other commitments. In the pursuit of sustainability, the organization may have salaried staff in the future, and at that time, the roles and responsibilities may change in order to ensure even more accountability.

Official Communications

In order to adhere to the Roles and Responsibilities as defined in this document, ATAYAL Organization Members MUST AGREE to reading and responding to Official Communications from the ATAYAL Organization in a timely manner. We know our Members want to help, but without timely communication, no one can make a difference. The Official Communications will consist of periodic e-mails sent through the official e-mail address: Only Official Communications will come through that e-mail address. We have two Facebook Chat Groups (ATAYAL Staff and Board/ATAYAL Volunteers) that will be used to remind members of each group to check their e-mails for Official Communications.

Board Members

Role: The role of the Board of Directors is to provide Oversight and Stewardship of the organization. The Board Members will maintain Oversight of the operations and activities of the organization to make sure they adhere to the Mission Statement and regulations of the States (Washington State and Florida) in which we are registered, and Federal regulations to maintain our 501(c)(3) status. Oversight is achieved through Voting and making Suggestions during the Annual Board Meeting. The Board Members will provide Stewardship by understanding the organization’s programs, identifying their needs, and bringing resources to fill the needs.


  • Follow and Respond to Official Communications in a timely manner.
  • Attend Annual Meeting in Taipei or Attend Conference Call in November.
  • Vote on Board Agenda Items during the Annual Board Meetings
  • Make an annual Legacy Donation (minimum USD$200), which goes towards the organization’s Annual Operational Expenses to help us to sustain us and leave our legacy. Donations can be made at
  • Connecting the organization to potential donors, corporate sponsors, or partners to fill the needs of our Programs.
  • Assisting with the Recruiting of other Board Members, International Advisory Board Members and Staff Members.

International Advisory Board Members

Role: The role of the International Advisory Board Members is to provide Consulting and Program Development Assistance for the programs of the organization. The International Advisory Board Members will help the ATAYAL organization develop international relationships between indigenous tribes, government agencies and NGO’s. We value their assistance in developing our programs to ensure our activities adhere to our Mission Statement.


  • Follow and Respond to Official Communications in a timely manner.
  • Be available for periodic consulting on issues related to your expertise and experience.
  • Assist with Program Development related to your expertise and experience.
  • Attend Annual Meeting in Taipei or Attend Conference Call in November.
  • Make an annual Legacy Donation (suggested min. USD$100), which goes towards the organization’s Annual Operational Expenses to help us to sustain us and leave our legacy. Donations can be made at
  • Connecting the organization to potential donors, corporate sponsors, or partners to fill the needs of our Programs.
  • Assisting with the Recruiting of other Board Members, International Advisory Board Members and Staff Members.

Staff Members

Role: Your role will be defined and a title will be assigned after an interview with an Executive of the ATAYAL Organization. Your role will forward our programs and activities that adhere to our Mission Statement. As your position is a volunteer position, the number of hours worked and your work schedule is solely at your discretion. However, prompt communication is required to ensure that you are able to keep your promises to the organization and to meet the deadlines. Please keep track of your hours worked to provide to our Accounting Department.


  • Follow and Respond to Official Communications in a timely manner.
  • Set deadlines and goals, carry out assigned tasks, and manage teams of volunteers as needed.
  • Attend Annual Meeting in Taipei or Attend Conference Call in November.
  • Recommended - Make an annual Legacy Donation (any amount), which goes towards the Annual Operational Expenses to help us sustain the organization and leave our legacy. Donations can be made at
  • During our Program Fundraising Campaigns, assist with sharing the campaign with people you know to find potential donors and corporate sponsors.
  • Assisting with the Recruiting of other Staff Members and Volunteers.


Role: Your role will be defined and a title will be assigned after an interview with a program Manager or an Executive of the ATAYAL Organization. Your role will forward our programs and activities that adhere to our Mission Statement. As your position is a volunteer position, the number of hours worked and your work schedule is solely at your discretion. However, prompt communication is required to ensure that you are able to keep your promises to the organization and to meet the deadlines. Please keep track of your hours worked to provide to our Accounting Department.


  • Follow and Respond to communications from the Program Manager in a timely manner.
  • Set deadlines and goals, carry out assigned tasks as needed.
  • Attend Annual Meeting in Taipei, if available.
  • During our Program Fundraising Campaigns, assist with sharing the campaign with people you know to find potential donors and corporate sponsors.
  • Assisting with the Recruiting of other Staff Members and Volunteers.


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