Organization and Program Profile

  • The ATAYAL Organization is a registered American 501(c)(3) non-profit organization (IRS EID: 59-3719572). It was founded in the State of Florida in 2001 with its core mission to preserve Indigenous language and culture through activities that raise public awareness of and appreciation for Indigenous Heritage and Wisdom.
  • The organization is led by a Board and Leadership Team that has a substantial representation by women and minorities, especially from Indigenous peoples.
  • The organization's International Advisory Committee is a Who's Who of leaders in their respective fields all committed to leaving a lasting legacy for future generations.
  • ATAYAL is currently registered in Florida, Washington State, and Hawai'i, with a satellite office in Taipei, Taiwan.
  • As per our Program's name, we are a Bridge, connecting Indigenous peoples and their communities, government bodies, NGO's, and foundations, and bringing them into collaboration for projects aligned with our mission.
  • For over 20 years, the organization has organized and supported Indigenous media projects and cultural exchanges, especially with Native American groups and Austronesian groups, producing internationally-acclaimed and awarded work.
  • After gaining decades of experiences with Indigenous communities with various facets of Indigenous culture and language, we have maintained our core mission while refining our Formula for Fulfilling our Mission.
Transforming Lives + Revitalizing Communities : 
Bridging Connections of Indigenous Culture + Wisdom


A program poster that illustrates our international partnerships
  • The Indigenous Bridges Youth Ambassador Program (IBYAP) consolidates our decades of experience, resources, and connections has consolidated into a results-oriented Youth Development Program.
  • IBYAP seeks to address a critical source of the challenges contributing to the disappearance of Indigenous culture, language, and wisdom: The growing Divide and Decoupling between the Youth and the Indigenous Knowledge Keepers within their communities.
  • IBYAP empowers the next generation of leaders from Indigenous Communities to become Problem Solvers and Knowledge Keepers who will generate their own solutions for Revitalizing their Communities through Regenerative Development, Retaining the Young Adults in these Communities, while Respecting their Ancestral Heritage.
  • IBYAP has three components, and together they provide a holistic, transformational education delivered with practical know-how. The Program provides Knowledge-Gaining and Wisdom-Building experiences, Problem-Solving Skills, and Mentorship from Indigenous Guides and Elders.
  • IBYAP Component One: Orientation (Washington State): A prerequisite for our participants (Youth Ambassadors) is to show their respect and understanding for their Indigenous cultural heritage. Our program provides the transformational experience of Indigenous Cultural Immersion as well as Relationship- and Trust-Building Teamwork over a seven- to ten-day period during the annual Tribal Canoe Journey in the Pacific Northwest (USA and Canada). Through participating in one of the largest Indigenous cultural events in the world related to canoe-going traditions, our youth ambassadors deepen their experience of cultural identity, open their awareness of and appreciation for the power of community development, and weave stronger connections with each other as well as others in their new, expanded family of nations.
  • IBYAP Component Two: Education and Transformational Training (Hawai'i): Our Youth Ambassadors are trained in our Transformation Center on Maui, Hawaii. They experience Transformation Training that allows them to break through the barriers that limited what they believed possible and invited them to open to new, expansive possibilities. Indigenous Elders and Mentors facilitate traditional practices, ritual, and ceremonies to center and ground The Youth in their connection to the Earth and the intuitive Wisdom that arises through that deepening relationship. Leaders in Academia share Techniques and Knowledge with The Youth, and this flowing together of Wisdom, Knowledge, and Skills Empowers the Youth to reach for the Stars.
  • IBYAP Component Three: Internships (A7 nations): Our Youth Ambassadors will be invited to work with Leaders of real-world Regenerative Community Development Projects to be inspired by the scope of and collaborations within these transformative projects, gain practical skills and experience, and learn to envision their own transformative solutions and apply their skills and experiences to manifest them. Students may incorporate their experiences into research papers and utilize them to develop their own future projects. These projects are government-funded development projects that our graduates can gain hands-on job experience implementing what they learned in our program. Development projects are currently being developed in Taiwan and will also include projects in the other participating Austronesian nations.
  • The Institute: Our vision is for the Institute to be a future resource for Regenerative Community Development Projects created by our IBYAP Graduates after they graduate from our program and from university. In addition to providing seed funding for IBYAP projects, the Institute will be a place where Youth Ambassadors can reach out to Mentors and Facilitators for guidance and support, for they will be the Seeds of Wisdom we strive to nurture around the world.

What can we do to make sure the future is in good hands?


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