Objectives and Tasks of the ATAYAL Organization


September 8, 2020

As a small, but growing, organization that has faced the slowdown of the COVID-19 global economy, just as every other nonprofit organization has, the ATAYAL organization is poised to rebound and have a breakthrough. 2021 is the year we will build a solid foundation for the ATAYAL Organization and its Indigenous Bridges program to be a legacy that makes a difference for indigenous communities of the world for generations to come. We have defined the following objectives and tasks for our Volunteers, Staff, International Advisory Board, and our Board Members.


  1. Know your roles and responsibilities. Read our Roles and Responsibilities document. By knowing our expectations, you can remove uncertainty and fill your role confidently.
  2. Get to know our organization, mission, partners and objectives. Read our Statement. You can only effectively share and inspire people, if you truly know the mission, past achievements, projects and are inspired, yourself.
  3. Help us to recruit new members. Look at our current Organizational Chart to see what positions we need to fill.
  4. Share about our organization and projects with people in your life. Let them know why you have joined our organization and what our mission means to you. You can share Voices In The Clouds, our web site, and our Facebook Group. We hope each of you can open doors for other people to make a difference in their lives. Let us know if there is a volunteer, recruit, donor or indigenous partner for us to talk to. Please remember that our Big Fundraising Campaign is about to begin and we need everyone's help to spread the word.


  1. Read all official communications in order to know our organization's activities and needs.
  2. Provide oversight by offering suggestions and advice for any problems you can identify.
  3. Provide stewardship by referring any partners, corporate or personal donors or resources that may assist us in reaching our goals.
  4. Attend annual meeting in November each year, either in person or virtually.


  1. Read all official communications in order to know our organization's activities and needs.
  2. Program development is needed. Please contact Tony Coolidge to discuss what assistance you can provide to develop the curriculum our Indigenous Youth Ambassador Program.
  3. Recruit other International Advisory Board Members or Board Members. Help us to grow.
  4. Suggest partners for the Indigenous Bridges Network. You were chosen for this position based on your experience and connections. If you can refer us to indigenous group and organization that can provide opportunities to the indigenous youth ambassadors, please let us know.


  1. Use our official communications channels. For e-mails, use staff@indigenousbridges.org. It will go to all staff members.
  2. Share your ideas. Please send us your ideas for how to make our current projects better and to fill the needs of our organization. We encourage your ideas, as long as it forwards our existing projects and stays within our Mission Statement.
  3. Discuss your current projects duties. Some of you have assignments and some do not. Please make sure you have conversations with Tony Coolidge and Gary Smoke to make sure you have enough team members, volunteers and support to achieve your responsibilities for your projects.
  4. Help us to recruit volunteers for your projects.


  1. Discuss your volunteer responsibilities and objectives with your Manager or Coordinator.
  2. If you don't currently have a role or responsibility, please contact Gary Smoke or Tony Coolidge to receive a new assignment.

We appreciate everyone's contribution to the growth of our organization and the fulfillment of our mission. Please stay in communication, and let us know if we can help you with anything.



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